Sergio Oller

Results 39 issues of Sergio Oller

Hi, nice work on the package! I recently discovered your package. I have a similar package named `condformat` with much less features (I can only change background gradients) but with...

Hi, Thanks for the glue package. I wrote a transformer to format numbers with a fixed number of significant figures. I used a function generator to do that, which is...

When using `scale_color_gradient2` with `trans = "log10"`, I was expecting the `midpoint` to be transformed as well. The documentation does not specify how `midpoint` behaves under transformation. # Reproducible example...

scales :snake:
breaking change :skull_and_crossbones:

This commit provides some fixes to cover a corner case where there is only one element to intersect. While its utility is clearly limited, I was using UpSetR on a...

Hi, I have curiosity to know who is using parmap and for what purpose. Sometimes I believe there are no users out there and then I feel happy when someone...

Some TV Shows have "Special Episodes" that should be played before or after some episode or season. These episodes are usually catalogued as belonging to "Season 00" (S00E??). The episode...


`map_dfr` returns a zero-column data frame if the input iterable has length zero. It would be nice to be able to provide a prototype as an argument, to guarantee some...

The mycroft voice should provide 48 mixed excitation coefficients according to: However the vid_gb_ap_me_h variable only lists 47 of them. Is it possible that when vocalid generated that model...

Hi, One of the most common complaints about mimic is the long compile times it requires. The main cause for that is that the mycroft voice is compiled embedded in...

help wanted
contributor friendly

# Introduction (to be expanded) - waveform synthesis techniques: there are many ways to synthesize a waveform: diphone (e.g. cmu_us_kal16 in mimic) cluster units, clustergen (eg cmu_us_slt, vid_us_ap), HTS... Each...

in progress