should have all 6.72 offsets except the ptrace patch
@littlebalup https://github.com/naehrwert/scetool/blob/master/rvk.cpp scetool handles revokation packages. the problem with scetool when decrypting is that only the latest revision is used. so when handling firmware files/flash files for revokation, don't forget...
for some reason the tool doesn't decrypt prxs from proto 0.6.5 archive but the old tool i used to use (decrypt_prx) does
so this adds decompression to PRXs. the code might not be the best but it does its job. also adds PUPK support
0x6 2 Compression Type 0x300-Plain, 0x200-KL4E, 0x100-2RLZ, 0x000-GZIP Little endian u16 & 0xF00 this flag can be found at PRX header, for some reason pspdecrypt handles everything properly except gzip...
The payload is lacking privileges to decrypt the last segments: Log atached below [logs.txt](https://github.com/zecoxao/ps5-pup-decrypt/files/9790488/logs.txt)
this is no rocket science, outdir option -O should attempt to create the specified output directory with mkdir 0777 as soon as the command is executed.
https://talosintelligence.com/vulnerability_reports/TALOS-2020-1124 Seems like a good candidate. What better person to port this than a russian? Of course we need to check if ps4 webkit is vulnerable to this, but if...
The savegames in super mario port for the ps3 don't have any icon, which means the square, triangle, cross and circle picture is displayed instead. This isn't very relevant but...
For example UP0001-SM640001_00-0000000000000000 US EP0001-SM640002_00-0000000000000000 EU JP0001-SM640003_00-0000000000000000 JP