If you launch blender from terminal with: Blender --debug-memory in terminal and later press f3 for search "Memory Statistics" you can see the BLI_Mempool Chunk increase unlimited memory with a...
The memory growth has been reduced even though it is still increasing but it is increasing much less than beforewith this: https://github.com/zebus3d/Sorcar/blob/development/nodes/inputs/ScCustomObject.py and this: https://github.com/zebus3d/Sorcar/blob/development/helper.py The idea is only to...
> The memory growth has been reduced even though it is still increasing but it is increasing much less than beforewith this: https://github.com/zebus3d/Sorcar/blob/development/nodes/inputs/ScCustomObject.py > and this: > https://github.com/zebus3d/Sorcar/blob/development/helper.py > >...
I have written this addon for testing: https://pastebin.com/0F5zwFr3 When you change the slider it increases the memory but it reaches a limit and never increases the memory again, so it...
If you set the undo to 0, the memory increases in a very slow rate. This is not a bug, it's how the memory is used by the Undo system....