Results 22 issues of AGI

beta-VAE is also very good ref : Learning an interpretable factorised representation of the independent data gen- erative factors of the world without supervision is an important precursor for...

i see there only test code ,training config can open?

how to express 10 dimensional categorical variables code: latent_spec = [ (Uniform(62), False), (Categorical(10), True), (Uniform(1, fix_std=True), True), (Uniform(1, fix_std=True), True), ] is for mnist , this is not enough,...

![2016-10-18 4 36 04]( c3.table name show this config is for svhn,and c.2 c.3 arch is same just input dim is diff 500 error

can we use Predictive Filter Flow for depth predcition task ? ref paper: Adversarial Collaboration: Joint Unsupervised Learning of Depth, Camera Motion, Optical Flow and Motion Segmentation depth related... Many tasks in computer vision can be cast as a "label changing" problem, where the goal is to make a semantic change to the appearance of an image or... DeepLogic: Joint Learning of Neural Perception and Logical Reasoning Xuguang Duan,Xin Wang, Member, IEEE, Peilin Zhao,Guangyao Shen,Wenwu Zhu, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Neural-symbolic learning, aiming to combine the perceiving power of...