Zdravko Kolev

Results 16 issues of Zdravko Kolev

### Description When using MS Edge, and SHIFT-TAB is pressed to bring focus back to the Combo box and the user attempts to type, the Combo then appends as opposed...

status: in-review

### Description Filtering feature is not enabled on the Grid when selecting Custom Grid with choosed Filtering feature - Ignite UI CLI version: 4.1.0 - Framework: Angular - Project type:...

status: in-review
version: 4.1.x

## Description 2 out of 3 [builds failed](https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-angular/pull/11767) with this test: ``` IgxTreeGrid - Key Board Navigation #tGrid Navigation with scrolls should move to the top left/bottom right cell when...

:test_tube: ci: tests
:eyes: status: in-review

[Angular Essentials document](https://infragisticsinc297-my.sharepoint.com/personal/aatanasov_infragistics_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Faatanasov%5Finfragistics%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FMicrosoft%20Teams%20Chat%20Files%2FangularEssentials%2Drefcard%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Faatanasov%5Finfragistics%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FMicrosoft%20Teams%20Chat%20Files&ga=1) (internal) needs a review. We might want to add/mention some of the new features and updates available with the latest versions. Consider updating the ToC area as...

:book: documentation

**Current state:** At the moment, if the OpenAPI schema file has defined servers (environments) App Builder will list them as dropdown options to pick from. Upon app code generation the...

:toolbox: feature-request
spec: initial-draft

### Description Open the [sample ](https://www.infragistics.com/angular-demos-lob/grid-dynamic-chart-data/data-analysis)and see the console. ERROR NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(a)[_ -> _ -> _ -> _]: NullInjectorError: No provider for _!

status: in-development

### Description Previously we had to set a fixed heights in order for the Grid to fit the iframe, but now the iframe is sized based on the codeview container...

:new: status: new

Based on the latest Ignite UI for Angular llibrary changes we should enable strict checking for angular samples as well.

status: in-review

### Description The project should be localized. Create an example configuration that will showcase how to localize certain strings, and later on the Localization team will proceed with the rest.

status: in-review
status: postponed

[After the upgrade](https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-docfx/pull/5622/files) to docfx version `2.74.1` this build error started to appear only with the JP/KR versions of the documentation, prob something to do with the encoding: ![image](https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-docfx/assets/11193764/ab51c774-46a1-414e-b4f3-9a4f556ea845) Steps...