Martin Ždila

Results 129 comments of Martin Ždila

Actually with `0.12.3` I am getting `ReferenceError: mozRTCSessionDescription is not defined`.

Sure: ``` Arduino BLE module identification and setup sketch. Interact with this interface using serial in CR&LF mode. Opening serial connection to BLE module at pins: 8, 9, -1 For...

I would also appreciate to have this feature. I use it often in the projects I work on. One is for example and such an action there is for...

I also encounter this error when producing mbtiles. If the output is tif then there is no such error. Input tif: ``` Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: smooth-sk-warped.tif Size is 475105, 293083...

Run `certbot` with `-v` to see verbose logs.

I apologize for the wrong link. I've fixed it.

> Just a side note, leaflet and maplibre uses a different zoom numbers (difference if 1 between them) Then is probably invalid and I missed it in the doc....

@HarelM that is not the case. You can see gray residential areas and streets but not forests. If you disable 3D (or set pitch to zero) and will zoom out,...

Here is the minimal-style demo: Too see something you must zoom in, for example: There are two layers - one shows landcover to zoom 13 and other shows...