Martin Ždila

Results 129 comments of Martin Ždila

It is probably a bug of all Chrome-based browsers. See also or

@mariusandra just for sure - do you have HiDPI screen? On regular DPI screens it is not reproducible.

In Chrome (95), directly from It is not always visible there, just if you pan a lot then sometimes it appears: ![image](

> If I enable 6x CPU throttling in Chrome then map panning is a pain Actually if throttled then pannign is super-choppy only when dragging with mouse. If I give...

If it blocks for you then use workers.

I see that problem now reguralry on the map. Is it a knwon problem?

@olt, full process is described at [limit.geojson]( I'll check which elements are duplicated in the evening and will update it here.

Initial import was done cca 2 months ago and since then minutely diffs are being applied. Some stats on roads table: ``` martin=> select count(1) from osm_roads a join osm_roads...

I will try to prepare testcase once I'll be little less bussy. Till then maybe you can use my answers: > this is the latest binary? It was the latest...

Also, just for the illustration: This area was recently modified and it is rendered incorrectly. Each color strip represents a hiking relation and both strips should go along all the...