@hkchengrex can you add something to protect the boundary condition when it's a single image so that the GUI won't crash, please? Also, it's trying to pull GPU resources but...
@hkchengrex Is just protection so that it won't crash. And yes, I think it's doing extra work. It'll take me forever to set the project in debug mode and add...
@hkchengrex Nah this is more from a software test context. The GUI should never crash.
I'm running into the same issue. @idunnostuff Did you solve this issue ?
@peymanrah so how could we de-allocate or what do you think should be set to None to free memory resources ? I'm running on Docker and this is what I...
I am having the same issue in Google Cloud Build. Even if I provide an increased in the Docker memory -m 20g still gives me an error code 137. This...
@Jordan-Pierce Is this the same issue ?
@JordanMakesMaps, it is in the zip file. See the attachment.
@nikhilaravi I followed everything but the notebook doesn't explicitly say anything regarding the format of the inputs. I also adjusted the orig_im_size and still get the same error - a...
@JordanMakesMaps see code