Zeno R.R. Davatz

Results 99 comments of Zeno R.R. Davatz

are you using the file that you saved with LibreOffice to `update` the row via Ruby Spreadsheet Gem?

ok, the make a simple test script to see if that works.

Like what? Custom colors? See the guide: https://github.com/zdavatz/spreadsheet/blob/master/GUIDE.md#writing-is-easy

try the last option here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/865186/excel-file-with-multiple-tabs

The color of the sheet boxes I do not know, sorry. You will have to dig into the code I guess.

Yes, this could be done, but we need a PR for that.

1. Which office version? 2. Which OS? 3. Download Libreoffice, open the file with Libreoffice, save the file and try again. 4. Which software created the original XLS file?

> I use Microsoft Office on latest Mac OS. I don't try with LibreOffice yet but I use gem to create xls file. Please give it a try wit LibreOffice.

I am archiving the XLSX here: https://github.com/zdavatz/covid19_ch/tree/master/bag_xlsx

You can find the source of the data on our map on the left side: http://covid19.ddrobotec.com/ - the sources are the cantonal websites.