
Results 19 issues of ZhangRui

不同索引用的词典不一样,每当有用户有这种需求就新开一个集群也不太合适,能支持不? 我想到的办法就是让有这种需求写入的索引落在不同的节点上。这些节点的词典配置都不同。。

版本 1.7.8 有时候会去到 7G 10G,docker stats 后面会降下来,这样内存会很不好限制,如果时从kafka 取了过多数据,能不能反压呢,不然通过cgroup 限制内存容器忙时会挂掉后起不来,不限制又影响宿主资源分配,pprof 默认没开,dump 了一个3g 使用内存的出来 input 这里有另外两个topic ,dump 后我删掉了,这两个本身topic 已经没有任何数据了 ``` inputs: - Kafka: topic: saimaan_g18_logtail: 1 codec: 'json' consumer_settings: bootstrap.servers: "saimaan.brokers.canal.netease.com:9092" group.id:...

When the hard disk fails, the recovery process is triggered after the hard disk is offline, and the recovery progress cannot be known, and the recovery speed and concurrency cannot...


2022/04/22 06:11:21.618802 [ERROR] partition_raftfsm.go:150: HandleLeaderChange PartitionID(120793) serverPort not exsit ,error dial tcp connect: connection refused If the DN starts too slowly and cannot serve normally but participates in the...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Batch creation of volumes causes performance degradation of existing volumes **Environment** Describe your server system version, kernel...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. 业务测试卷非预期的 DP 数量增加,一个20T 用了 11T 的卷,DP 数达到 500,没有手动去加过DP,因为2.4 之前版本有过异常数量DP 卷带来整个cfs 集群性能不佳的问题,所以想查明原因 我理解只有dp 快写满了或extent 数量过多才会自动添加DP 但是可以看到后面 dp 使用量也不是特别高...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** 假设一个zone 存储介质为 ssd , 另外一个zone 为 机械盘,那么当发现机械盘不能满足需要时可以无缝迁移到 SSD,反之亦然,在 aws 是一个基础功能,不同的 ebs 磁盘类型无缝转换 **Describe the solution you'd like** A clear and...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Environment** Describe your server system version, kernel version **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 8台 DN...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Use logstash for consumption, offset submission will not be submitted after a period of time normally, restarting...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. The same test case has been successfully run many times with the pulsar driver. After installing kop...
