Zvi Cahana
Zvi Cahana
I've just came across this issue myself as well. As an interim workaround until the memberOf support is compiled into the image, is there some way to configure the image...
The above workaround worked for me - thanks @mageru! My own poor-man's workaround: Run `oc proxy` on the Windows host, bound to the WSL bridge, and access it via the...
Hasn't been resolved yet.
Nope, it hasn't been touched since.
@rshriram yes, the intent is to support multiple ports per instance. Using an `endpoints` array (with each `endpoint` having a type and a value, as is today) is one way...
Adding `sidecar` tag as this feature should affect the sidecar as well. Particularly, the sidecar should be aware of multiple endpoints/ports per instance. Load balancing should be done across service...
@frankbu the discussion here was in the context of multiple endpoints/ports for the a single service. For multiple services, it probably makes more sense to just register separate service instances....
Couple of comments: 1. Is CPU the only significant bottleneck of virt-api? What about memory? Network I/O? Number of requests to the API server? We may be able to get...
I'm experiencing a similar issue: ```sh zvi.cahana:~/ $ aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=k8s-tkg-0014-management-vpc --query "Vpcs[].VpcId" --max-items 1 --output text | cat vpc-06071692433b1e83e None zvi.cahana:~/ $ aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=k8s-tkg-0014-management-vpc...