Results 8 issues of z_boboan

I hope there is a way to introduce import

创建项目 报错 Fish-Redux-Template: ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir 'C:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\fish-redux-templates_0.0.7' 请问一下怎么解决?

![QQ截图20220505204445]( ![QQ截图20220505204457]( 按提供的 demo 引入,直接报错,"vue3-video-play": "^1.3.1-beta.6" 是我写得不对?希望能告知原因

vue.esm.js?efeb:1696 TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null at new Drawing (qrcode.js:361) at new QRCode (qrcode.js:570) at VueComponent.qrcodePic (share.vue?5619:78) at VueComponent.boundFn [as qrcodePic] (vue.esm.js?efeb:189) at VueComponent.mounted (share.vue?5619:59) at callHook (vue.esm.js?efeb:2868)...

在文档里没有看到有 play事件,必须点击播放是嘛?

鼠标悬停例表停止混动,可以拖动例表 希望可以增加这个功能

在事件元素中有动画时,连继点击会报错 [Intervention] Ignored attempt to cancel a touchend event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is in progress and cannot be interrupted.