Have you tried to press the "change" button and switch to a different printing target, preferable a printer, to actually print? Currently your system is setup for PDF Printing, so...
This already works. The print button works from your phone just fine as long as your phone has drivers running for your network printer.
[b]Norra Wexley (29)[/b] [i]Push the Limit (3)[/i] [i]C-3PO (3)[/i] [i]R2-D2 (4)[/i] [i]Vectored Thrusters (2)[/i] [i]Alliance Overhaul (0)[/i] [b][i]Total: 41[/i][/b] [url=!s!204:18,-1,63,3:41:26:&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=]View in Yet Another Squad Builder[/url] This is from my opera...
On top does the page seem to work fine if you force the desktop version in your mobile browser. The print option works as normal.
That is because FFG did change those cards recently in an attempt to make the game more balanced.