Matthias Zaunseder

Results 6 comments of Matthias Zaunseder

@postmodernistx thanks, with your comment I got it fixed! In my case HTML files were the troublemakers and I could fix it by adding this to `jest.config.js`: ```js coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/',...

You can use the 9 instead of 0 for the optional numbers. So maybe your mask could look like that: `SS00 AAAA 0000 0000 0000 9999 9999 9999 99`

I think you have the same problem as [GraphCMS]( had. They also have a GraphQL API and they built a source plugin which doesn't look complicated: It looks like...

In the gatsby docs for the "Node Interface" it says _Gatsby automatically infers the structure of your site’s nodes and creates a GraphQL schema which you can then query from...

I think @magicspon already meant the native schema stitching with the official [gatsby-source-graphql]( plugin. The old [gatsby-source-graphql]( plugin from @wyze used graphql files for the queries. It's a bit confusing...

This was working for me in a TypeScript project when I put it before importing JSZip: ```ts import buffer from 'node:buffer'; (globalThis as any).Blob = buffer.Blob; ```