For anybody who sees this I ended up setting selectionLimit to 2 and then adding the event onMaxSelectionReached where I set whatever model I have to the second selected option....
The error looks like it's telling you "package.json" isn't setup correctly
Have you tried making an ajax request to it? ``` private bookUrl: string = '../../mock/books.json'; private books: Book[]; constructor(http: Http) { http.get(bookUrl) .map(res => res.json()) .subscribe(books => this.books = books);...
Sounds like you might need to run `ng build` and then setup a liteServer.config.json file with something like this ``` { "port": 8000, "files": ["./dist/**/*.{html,htm,css,js}"], "server": { "baseDir": "./dist" }...
I know when I run `"tsc && concurrently /"tsc -w/" /"lite-server -c bs-config.json/" "` via npm start or via the command line, if any part of the commands fail I...
Please keep in mind localhost is the same thing as This means the only difference is the number after the colon (3000 vs 8080) a.k.a. the port number. If...
If the app is being build using Gulp, then the server refresh could be after the html and css files were moved.
After making sure card is installed via npm `npm install --save card` In angular.json I added a reference to the node_modules script ``` .... "architect": { "build": { ... "options":...
I got around the issue by putting "*" (an asterix) instead of the version number
True, didn't think about version control. Only thought about initially getting the file.