[The last Travis CI run was 7 months ago]( We still have our socketcan tests and mypy on Travis only. Also the Travis badge link is broken.
I fixed all Sphinx warnings except for the nixnet interface, that one remains broken. The documentation is now built in github actions.
Feedback from users with slcan interface needed.
Feedback from users with usb2can interface needed.
I installed spyder in a fresh environment, but qtawesome raises an exception on spyder startup. Please take a look at the traceback. Why does it try to delete files that...
tox converts `gs_usb` from tox.ini to `gs-usb`. This causes a mismatch with the extra definition in pyproject.toml. _Originally posted by @zariiii9003 in
- the version is set automatically from the git tag - build for Intel and Apple Silicon - update Github actions