Błażej Szczygieł

Results 236 comments of Błażej Szczygieł

I don't understand what's going on here. All info provided by @segler-alex are for developer (me), not for user @lupusic . However I can use radio browser in QMPlay2, so...

Let's do remembering position in #156.

Hmm, youtube-dl is still maintained. However it's not released yet, so how can I test it quickly?

> You just download the script from http://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/download.html But it's 2021, very old. I've tried it and 360 video stutters a lot, buffering was very slow, but image was good.

Ok. If they'll release it, I consider adding an option to choose yt-dlp or youtube-dl.

Hi, > Update link to add new radio station on Radio-Browser.info > Ability to export "My radio stations" list in PLS (playlist). Done!

I'll look at this again, maybe I have to check on laptop with screen dimming :smile: