> Hello Everyone, > I am extremely sorry to keep you waiting. I will keep it at the top priority for the next couple of weeks and hopefully come up...
> @tareqtms I have tested the change. I found one bug for getting the previous link and I have fixed. > For that Pull Request has been created. You can...
> @zamliyconsulting I have copied your code and executed it on my system. It is working. > In the output console, 1st execution is with `limit 1` filter, and in...
> Just created a new release with the ApiVersion fix. Thank you but I had already fixed it. Nonetheless, I downloaded it and tested with same results. Has anybody actually...
> @zamliyconsulting > Are you confirming that it's not working for you after updating the `ApiVersion` too? Yes, I just downloaded your latest version 5 minutes ago. Same result. I...
> @zamliyconsulting > Are you confirming that it's not working for you after updating the `ApiVersion` too? @zealnagar @tareqtms OK, i finally found the problem. I still don't know how...
To start with, why should I be worried about knowing what files to include each time? Also, I get the following error when I try to run your sample Locations...
function postFulfillment($locid,$trackingnumber,$trackingcompany,$trackingurl,$config){ global $config; $postdata = array ( "location_id" => $locid, "tracking_number" => $trackingnumber, "tracking_company" => $trackingcompany, "tracking_url" => $trackingurl ); fulfillOrder($orderid,$postdata,$config); } function fulfillOrder($orderid,$postdata,$config){ $shopify = new PHPShopify\ShopifySDK($config); return...