Alex Zamai
Alex Zamai
Hey, @kesuskim I've just discovered this repo and would also love to add pipenv support to this script. Were you able to figgure out why the build fails?
I see, don't have an inspiration to figgure out the windows stdout handling, so my solution to the problem is a Make command: ``` build_win: freeze rm -rf ./dist/ docker...
Hi, @zcmarine! I'm a developer from the GitLab side that would like to help with this issue. First of all that a lot for the summary of the issue, I'm...
Hey Zack, Yep, let's stick to the `cloudsqladmin` identification it should work for now, if we find a better way. As I understood Taylors requirments are: 0. Make `pgbedrock generate`...
I already had the flags enabled from this article, but data wasn't replicated. Here is a docker compose I'm using to test: ``` version: '3' services: meilisync: platform: linux/x86_64 image:...