When Using Vit-s for fine-tuning DINO on CUB, the descriptions between code and that in readme are not consistent. In code, about avgpool_patchtokens, typically set this to False for ViT-Small,...
It seems that I can't download the datasets successfully...
[03/07 13:50:19 fvcore.common.checkpoint]: [Checkpointer] Loading from detectron2://DeepLab/R-103.pkl ... R-103.pkl: 0.00B [00:00, ?B/s] This case seems keeping unchanged? How to manage it?
Thanks for your enlightening work! Here, I am confused about the out-of-candidate prediction of segmentation model. As show in Fig 3 of the paper, the pseudo label y_hat is not...
What can cause the problem and how to solve it ?