zahin ekbal
zahin ekbal
Website Using Html , Css , Javascript Use this format:- # FrontEndWebsite/YourWebsiteName/ThenYourFile(Html,Css,Javascript) ## Nd most important thing add your LiveLink of website in Your file so that i can...
Use this format :- ## BitWise/CPP/DecimalToBinary.C++ Before making Pr Please add your image in image folder nd update file it is all for contributors do this then only i...
You can add Algorithm in C++ STL i.e:- Sorting with C++ STL or any Problems Using C++ STL then go ahead .... but make sure if you are adding problem...
### Please Add the Problems and links also ..... Before making PR just make Sure you are using this format:- For Codeforces:- # Codeforces/CPP/Contest_name/NameOfProblem.c++ For Codechef:- # Codechef/CPP/Contest_name/NameOfProblem.c++
Before making PR check this.... File Format:- ### PrimeSieve/CPP/PrimeSieve.c++ #### Please add your image in image folder nd update file This is for all contributors do this then only...
### Compute HCF(GCD) & LCM Before making PR check this... ## Please add your image in image folder nd update file this is for all contributorsdo this then only...
### Ex:- INPUT :- N = 10000000000 , M = 10101 , i = 2 , j = 6; ### OUTPUT :- N = 10001010100 File format :- BitWise/CPP/ReplaceBits.C++ Before...
Thank you for taking your time and effort for your contribution. If you are a contributor to this repo, kindly add your img in img Folder and update file.......
Before making PR make sure you are using same format i.e:- # RotateTheArray/C++/RotateTheArray.extention same for C , Java , Python...