## Purpose of the pull request [Feature][dlink-client]CDCSOURCE Add sub database and sub table support - [x] #768 ## Brief change log 1. CDCSOURCE Add sub database and sub table support,only...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description CDCSOURCE Add sub database and sub table support ### Use...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar feature requirement. ### Description You can extend the flink - SQL syntax, specify the...
## What is the purpose of the change *(For example: This pull request makes task deployment go through the blob server, rather than through RPC. That way we avoid re-transferring...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar optimization requirement. ### Description 当需要执行批算子 plan 计划时,无法直接调用方法,而 executeAsync(StreamGraph streamGraph)去又是可以直接调用Pipeline类。 这边就需要重构一下 StreamexEcuitionenvalonment 类。以下是2种建议: 1. 继承...
## Purpose of the pull request ## Brief change log ## Verify this pull request This pull request is code cleanup without any test coverage. *(or)* This pull request is...
# Proposed changes Issue Number: close #460 ## Problem Summary: Describe the overview of changes. ## Checklist(Required) 1. Does it affect the original behavior: (Yes/No/I Don't know) 2. Has unit...
### Search before asking - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues. ### Version 1.6.1 ### What's Wrong? 简单的日志如下 2024-08-06 10:26:01 Could not perform...