
Results 3 issues of zack2020-star

2022-07-08 10:56:37,311 - mmdet - INFO - load model from: work_dirs/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224_torch1_4.pth 2022-07-08 10:56:37,507 - mmdet - WARNING - The model and loaded state dict do not match exactly unexpected key...

![image]( When I try to formulate the drone to fly towards a fixed point, the program reminds me that the rostopic package conflicts with the currently installed package with. The...

你好,我通过该项目swin-t跑出来的权重文件latest.pth在dotav1测试集上进行测试得到的Task_merged.zip文件足足有40M,result.pkl600M,上传到官网测试的精度也不正常。 我尝试从下载了权重文件,然后加载到你的项目中测试Task_merged.zip为5M,result.pkl16M,精度是原论文的精度。 我不知道我复现哪里出了问题了,我想请问一下您的测试权重和文件是怎么样的?