react-native-parallax-swiper copied to clipboard
Paged Parallax Swiper with Effects
ParallaxSwiper.js line 58 from: this.animatedScrollView._component.scrollTo({ to: this.animatedScrollView._component?.scrollTo({ i solved the problme like this, but everytime i build the project the problem resets what to do?
fixed scrollTo issue by replace "this.animatedScrollView._component.scrollTo" with "this.animatedScrollView.getNode().scrollTo"
Hello, thanks for this but sometimes when I click to show an image or video it has that space on the left side but once I swipe to the next...
Helloooo **Issue:** When using **ParallaxSwiper** inside a **GestureHanddler** component from react-native-gesture-handdler (softwarmansion, reanimated) and updating any useState hook the following error occours: **TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollTo' of undefined** **Soution...
setState((prev) => ({ ...prev, index: activePageIndex }))}_** showProgressBar={true} progressBarBackgroundColor="rgba(0,0,0,0.25)" progressBarValueBackgroundColor="white" > error is : 
Hi. I have a basic question. What do I start the app in? I'm currently taking a React Native class and we use Expo, but the project doesn't state to...
Changing 'window' to 'screen' to get the right screen in xaiomi devices
When I use the map function to render the component (see the code below) I get the following error: Invariant Violation: input range must be monotonically non-decreasing ``` return (...
This component is just a `ScrollView` so it should support most if not all `ScrollView` and `FlatList` props.