react-native-parallax-swiper copied to clipboard
TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollTo' of undefined in ParallaxSwiper
Helloooo Issue: When using ParallaxSwiper inside a GestureHanddler component from react-native-gesture-handdler (softwarmansion, reanimated) and updating any useState hook the following error occours: TypeError: Cannot read property 'scrollTo' of undefined
Soution i found:
go to your ParallaxSwiper component page How to: in windows: ctrl click in ParallaxSwiper on your imports section of your .js page
replace this line: this.animatedScrollView = scrollView;
with this lines: if(scrollView!==null){ this.animatedScrollView = scrollView; }
and theses lines: this.animatedScrollView._component.scrollTo({ x: vertical ? 0 : scrollOffset, y: vertical ? scrollOffset : 0, animated, });
with theses lines: if(this.animatedScrollView._component!==undefined){ this.animatedScrollView._component.scrollTo({ x: vertical ? 0 : scrollOffset, y: vertical ? scrollOffset : 0, animated, }); }
why this solution: if you crtl+F the word scrollTo you will notice the final problem points to a variable named _component, when the error occours this var is undefined, so wrapping theses guys with conditions solved the problem for me
Remove this in ParallaxSwiper.js to get around this issue:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {