Results 22 comments of Zach

I think the reason it doesn't sort in one go is due to conflicting fixes, and the nature of reporting each fix as a swap of nodes ([docs on conflicting...

@adityamatt yep, still planning to create a PR for my changes. The scale is absolutely massive but I'm in the stages of fixing tests to match the new errors

Just got all of the tests passing. I still want to do some things like testing in supported Node environments and fleshing out test cases, but it's finally come together

@arcanis that's true, but the binary does exist in `.bin`. Even if just-scripts fixes that, any other binary that exists as a result of the installation is still inaccessible via...

And let me know if I should make a separate issue for this, but even the bin listed is inaccessible to other workspaces despite its presence in the root

Okay so while looking through the code I found `-T, --top-level` i.e. `yarn run -T just-scripts` allows packages to access binaries from the root. That unblocks me but I'd like...

> This isn't a bug, it's the expected behavior. I haven't really followed berry development until late v3 into v4 where the last major blockers for migrating were fixed. So...

I think this might just be a bug? I don't know why this functionality got lost between v1 and v4, but I've been experiencing issues using dependencies listed in my...

It's been a minute since I drafted this and now some packages have major bumps which change Node support. I will leave them as they are so this upgrade supports...