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The Internet Archive Game Launcher (IAGL) will launch Games from the Internet using Kodi

Results 51 plugin.program.iagl issues
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Hi Zach I can swear by the flying the Spaghetti Monster I have followed your Wiki but I am stumped. I am running Ubuntu and Kodi 19.3; I have installed...

Hello, first of all, thanks for your project. Anyway, seemingly, the addon doesn't work in my setup and I don't undestand why. I got a pretty basic setup, only installed...

I believe that IAGL is an amazing addon and more people should be using it. The problem is a lot of noobies do not understand how to set it all...

On Android games won't launch if I choose a different rom path from default. But as soon as I set path back to the default they work again. This doesn't...

cant fix

Please have a look here, where I already posted my issue: [Link]( Any help appreciated, thank you.

As the title says. I've updated the strings in IAGL for v3.0 quite a bit. The strings.po file is a bit of a mess because there are so many strings...

help wanted

## Bug report ### Describe the bug Trying to launch any Nintendo 64 game from IAGL add-on in Kodi results in Kodi crashing. ## Expected Behavior Launch the game in...

cant fix

The addon does not yet work with XBOX One (XBONE) or iOS. Main reasons: 1. The sandbox environments for both of these OS's prevent sending any external launch commands -...

cant fix

This is an open issue for any suggested changes to the default core associations for external launching. [Here]( is a table detailing the current default cores. You can reply to...

help wanted

When browsing through the addon and lists, some of the images from imgur are not found. ![Screenshot_20240123_175302_Kodi]( ![Screenshot_20240123_175332_Kodi]( ![Screenshot_20240123_175357_Kodi](