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The Internet Archive Game Launcher (IAGL) will launch Games from the Internet using Kodi

Results 51 plugin.program.iagl issues
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I've started coding some new functionality in IAGL for native netplay. Netplay only currently works with external retroarch since that functionality is not baked into Retroplayer (yet). Here's what it...


It would be really cool although minor if the download script showed the transferring kilobytes/megabytes per second. This is from TeamXBMC Windows Kodi Installer addon if it helps. ( I...

i dont know how to download the games into my phone because the settings are too complicated add in the download section "where to download games/roms" and you select the...

Hi, is hard to add possiblity download from torrent on for fast download ? many kodi addon alreadeay use torrent. Thank you :)

Please allow to do a download as Background Job


I noticed that games with a period in the title and file name (like a certain series of "Bros." games :) ) were always re-downloading, even though they already existed...

I love being able to set a custom download path to my SMB network share, so I can share files between multiple instances of Kodi and have a lot more...

IAGL currently only supports: - OSX - Android (64, 32, etc, I think all really) - Windows - Linux It had in the past supported other setups, but they've all...

help wanted

Hello, I am a big fan of this application which I use under via RPI4 under Libreelec Kodi Matrix. I have a problem, I accidentally pressed a button on my...