Matt Rockwell

Results 6 comments of Matt Rockwell

Same question. I do still use netrw. Is there a way to tell Chadtree not not hijact netrw? Overall I really like your apprach. Over a bit more time CHADtree...

function! ScrollOtherWindow(direction) execute 'wincmd' (winnr('#') == 0 ? 'w' : 'p') execute (a:direction ? "normal! \" : "normal! \") wincmd p endfunction

I'm using mrjones2014/legendary.nvim for mappings + map documentation local options = { noremap = true, silent = true } local lhk_keymaps = { { "``", ":call ScrollOtherWindow(1)", description = "Scroll...

Thoughts: Default: From the active window, limit scrolling to the adjacent (L/R) window. Option: From the active window, (using telescope), select & change the buffer displayed in the adjacent (L/R)...

Ditto. I have the same issue. Breaks with "flex".