Hello, Do you think that it can be implemented in Flipper Zero as an app? Thank you, Z3r0L1nk
removed duplicated line 1865 "out_int (CODE_photos_upload_profile_photo);" which prevented the upload of contact photo.
changed sshkey name, in Ubuntu the default is "id_rsa.pub" not "id_ed25519.pub"
Hello all, Is there any way to change the colors for the HACS/Settings pages? The colors are a nightmare and burn my eyes, I tried to find a solution by...
Hi, If we use LCARS... let's go full startrek mode then :) Me and a friend have created a small python script that will show the current stardate, more information...
Based on the latest release 3.0.0 this script will modify the following: - header to header-left - middle to middle-left - footer to footer-left - button-lozenge to button-lozenge-left - button-bullet...