Ihor Urazov

Results 35 issues of Ihor Urazov

I'm looking for way to automatically alias all commands that supported by given grc configuration. Right now my approach is [dumb](https://github.com/z0rc/dotfiles/blob/142cf7e1cd92adc93ace0a796e2921d5f2f2b86f/zsh/rc.d/09_colors.zsh#L19-L29), it verifies if there is `conf.${command}` file present and...

### Terraform Core Version 1.3.2 ### AWS Provider Version 4.36.1 ### Affected Resource(s) * aws_eks_addon ### Expected Behavior Setting `resolve_conflicts = "PRESERVE"` should be supported in all cases. ### Actual...


**Describe the bug** Timing `zsh -lic "exit"` (as in https://github.com/yutkat/dotfiles/blob/main/.github/scripts/benchmark.sh#L5) is not a benchmark, as its results are not what you expect. For details why it is so, read https://github.com/romkatv/zsh-bench#how-not-to-benchmark...

This plugin solves day-one operations, mainly installing missing LSP servers. What about day-two operations, like detection of new server versions, notifications about updates, upgrading installed servers? I can probably subscribe...

### Describe the Feature https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/a-deep-dive-into-simplified-amazon-eks-access-management-controls/ and https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/access-entries.html#authentication-modes Upcoming terraform-provider-aws v5.33.0, see https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/pull/35037 ### Expected Behavior Module should allow setting cluster's `access_config` and adding associations via `aws_eks_access_entry` and `aws_eks_access_policy_association`. ### Use...

Whole gateway pod and its configuration can be replaced with Ingress resource. Majority of Kubernetes clusters has proper Ingress Controller, so Tempo gateway (aka nginx) is technically redundant and just...

### Operating system MacOS 14.0 ### Helmfile Version v0.157.0 ### Helm Version v3.13.1 ### Bug description With `HELMFILE_V1MODE=true HELMFILE_GOCCY_GOYAML=false helmfile template | grep css -A5 -B5` result is okay: ```...

in progress

### Terraform Version ``` Terraform v1.5.7 on darwin_arm64 + provider registry.terraform.io/cyrilgdn/postgresql v1.21.0 ``` ### Affected Resource(s) - website/documentation ### Terraform Configuration Files N/A ### Expected Behavior Links to provider's resources...

**What would you like to be added**: I would like to migrate to new TXT format early, so only one TXT record created per regular record. Right now there is...


## Issue ### Context - **Jenkins version**: 2.263.2 - **Job type**: any - **Allure plugin version**: 2.29.0 - **Allure commandline version**: 2.13.6 ### Problem description JUnit plugin recently switched from...