The build is successful, the following files need to be modified in window/msys2: 1. Change the int in line 199 of ‘monero-cpp\external\monero-project\contrib\epee\include\console_handler.h’ to DWORD 2. msys2\mingw64\share\cmake\Modules\FindProtobuf.cmake needs to add Protobuf_INCLUDE_DIR,...
libwallet-crypto.a is not found, so I don't know how to make it generate this file. I see that it should depend on the following code.  The crypto/wallet/ops.h file cannot...
I can't get in here  So the file could not be generated
I'm not very familiar with this stuff, so I'm not sure if the build is complete. I see that the build is already 100%, and the following two files are...
Yes. These files have already been generated. But failed to generate 'external/monero-project/build/release/src/crypto/wallet/libwallet-crypto.a'.
How to modify CMakeLists.txt and window configuration? I don't get it at all, I looked at the paths inside the CMakeLists.txt and it was just the libwallet-crypto.a file missing
I have updated to the latest version, libwallet_merged.a is no longer generated, but the libwallet-crypto.a file is still missing.