Yiyi Sun

Results 15 comments of Yiyi Sun

The test results did not show which version of JavaScript the smart TV supports. ES3, ES5, or ES6. On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 3:50 PM Jon Kleiser wrote: >...

Is there a way to see the console output of the Samsung Browser? On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 2:55 PM niu tech wrote: > It is WebKit-based Samsung Browser...

@jkleiser, the apprun-classyui-spa uses ES6 now.

Someone told me they made IE11 by adding 3-4 polyfills. They found what’s needed from the console output. I will take a look myself to see what are they in...

To use AppRun for applications that support IE 11, you will need: 1. Polyfills for _Promise_ and _string.startsWith_ , e.g., using https://polyfill.io ``` ``` 2. Use _window.onhashchange_ in main.tsx ```...

Live Demo: https://yysun.github.io/apprun-ie11

The HTML below is used, which sets the sidebar to be false. ``` ... docute.init({ sidebar: false, nav: [ {title: 'Home', path: '/'}, {title: 'Learn', path: '/git'}, {title: 'Github', path:...

Please try: git config --global core.autocrlf false On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 4:06 AM Fernando Pérez wrote: > After install gittools for vs2019, diffs are not showed on git...

What is the VS version and what is the Git Tools version are you using?

You can try to close/minimized the Git Changes Window and open it again instead of closing/opening the solution. You can also check the file: %USERPROFILE%/Documents/gitscc.config to see if it has...