
Results 9 comments of 鱼香肉丝


@PeanutMelonSeedBigAlmond 为什么我不可以啊,我把headers和params里的参数都补全了,还是不可以。。。

@PeanutMelonSeedBigAlmond 哈哈老铁,要不你也写一篇破解学小易的文章。

@PeanutMelonSeedBigAlmond 老铁,我复制上所有的请求头,加上你说的那个字段,还是不可以啊,能麻烦你加一下我qq2673587924,一起讨论一下吗?

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91821567/219037979-6920f203-f2cd-46fa-8227-14d2fd62387e.png) why it always show this,i use the latest selenium but it always show this.

i mean ,does gpt4 is still working?

> I don't understand what is your problem. > > now the model works well fekellgpt does gpt4 is still working?

> @yybjy gpt4 does not work. ok, thank u bro,i know, i just want use gpt4,do you have some gpt4 websites?