YuXuan Tay

Results 6 comments of YuXuan Tay

Hmm, the compression is rightfully `gzip`, but only `zip` is accepted by the CI pipeline.

So, the CI on openaddresses has failed. How can I find out more about what it is trying to do and which step did it fail at?

I did not scrap the data myself. Do you need me to prepare the script? The following repo contains the scripts for scraping the data. 1. https://github.com/xkjyeah/singapore-postal-codes 2. https://github.com/xuancong84/singapore-address-heatmap (1)...

I have added the script to scrap OneMap and serialise the data as `csv` and `geojson`.

Any follow up on this please? The PR looks ready.

One way I worked around this bug is to ensure that `space`/`param_space` only contains hyperparameters defined with tune search space and remove any constants. I am using Ray Train TorchTrainer,...