Yeming Wen
Yeming Wen
Not sure for the, but for the functional api, returning randomvariable is fine in eager mode in my local script.
I did something like `WANDB_MODE=disabled python --args` when doing a testing run.
same error here with A40.
Wondering if you have tried lower the gradient_accumulation_steps, with larger batch size, the accumulation steps can be smaller.
Thanks for the hardware requirement info! It seems only have the requirement for inference. I wonder if there is anything for fine-tuning on downsteam tasks?
Hi thanks for the suggestion! I also share a question with the other issue where the evaluation is slow. Running python seq2seq/ configs/eval.json takes 9 hours to complete on a...
I am looking into this but it will take some time for me to figure it out.
Hi, I am trying to time each example generation time. I found the generate method wrapper for the SpiderModel in However, I couldn't find the code which makes use...
oh, generate is invoked in the Seq2SeqTrainer's prediction_step method.