Engin 是有 preifx 的,SetPrefix("abc") 然后 .Table("information_schema.TABLES") 这样将会报错, from abcinformation_schema.TABLES
尝试自定义logger,发现无法满足需求,还需要进一步自定义session,这样就动作太大,恐怕影响升级 如果可以提供某种hook就好了
Signed-off-by: Gordon
`$ brew install --HEAD pgloader` ==> Cloning https://github.com/dimitri/pgloader.git Cloning into '/Users//Library/Caches/Homebrew/pgloader--git'... ==> Checking out branch master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. ==> Patching Error:...
I wish there was a way to set the "MaxGridSum" value in the constant to allow for detailed layout, for example, to create a 13-column TableList.
Signed-off-by: Yveshield If int type can be converted to bool type, why can't int8? and int16, etc.
The basic types are interface{}, bool, byte, string, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64, time.Time, time. Duration Corresponding slice type []interface{}, []bool, []byte, []string,...
func (dba *Orm) Where(args ...interface{}) IOrm { if len(args) == 0 || t.New(args[0]).Bool() == false { return dba } t.New(args[0]).Bool() == false 当传入单一参数false的时候,期望的是否定条件,即查不到任何记录就对了 WHERE false 这个时候不应该省略 false 而当传入单一参数true的时候,倒是可以省略的 WHERE true...
#204 #172 built in: cast.ToInt64E(float64(8.2)) => 8 previously: cast.ToInt64E(string("8.2")) => unable to cast "8.2" of type string to int64 more expected: cast.ToInt64E(string("8.2")) => 8 If you agree with my thoughts...