
Results 9 comments of yuzvir

run nautilus from terminal and you will probably see error log for example, mine looked like this: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/nautilus-python/extensions/nautilus-subliminal.py", line 137, in __init__ os.makedirs(dirs.user_cache_dir)...

This should be easy. Arch doesn't have apt-get, so I commented these lines in install.sh ``` # Install required packages printf "${BLUE}Installing necessary packages...${NORMAL}\n" apt-get install -y git python-pip python-nautilus...

I think it happens because there is no `'type_'` in `TypedPacketListField.__slots__` it can be fixed like this. ```python class BLenField(LenField): __slots__ = LenField.__slots__ + [ 'adjust_i2m', 'adjust_m2i', 'numbytes', 'length_of', 'count_of'...

It doesn't work for me. I see this error every time I'm installing anything by pamac-manager ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/hardcode-tray/hook.py", line 11, in from HardcodeTray.const import...

@yochananmarqos I uninstalled the old package, downloaded all the files from your repo folder and run ``` makepg makepkg --install ``` still have the same issue

I don't remember where I got the old one, but it doesn't meter since I've removed it. As I already said I tried your `hardcode-tray-git` without any success. `sudo hardcode-tray...

well... It is probably because hooks could be run with its own environment. I don't know the proper way to deal with it, so I just replaced ``` from HardcodeTray.const...

also found this problem: ``` if not hook.execute(): sys.exitsys.exit('Hook failed') ``` should be ``` if not hook.execute(): sys.exit('Hook failed') ```

it works better for me with another user-agent (edge 17): Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.140 Safari/537.36 Edge/17.17134 but I still can see issues in some chats