
Results 6 issues of yuyadanyadan

My error equation is e = (T_b0bt)^(-1) * T_bc * T_c0ct * (T_bc)^(-1) in paper-----CamOdoCal: Automatic Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of a Rig with Multiple Generic Cameras and Odometry. I...


fristCamInverse is Tc1m, from tag to fram 1 of cam; eigenCam: Tmc2, from frame 2 of cam to tag; then get Tc1c2; from c2 to c1; However, firstEEInverse is Tbe1...

您好: 首先非常感谢您的开源.论文和代码都写的非常棒, 简洁明了. 用您的数据集测试的结果也比较好. 我用我们自己的robot采集的数据集进行测试,走一个大圈,大概60-70米之后,回到初始位置,关闭闭环之后,漂移比较大x:-0.178m, y:0.945m, theta:9.42度. 打开回环之后: x: -0.0118m, y:0.00549m, theta: 2.8度. 而单里程计计算的结果为: x: -0.014675, y: 0.1735, theta: 4.68. 也就是说,如果没有回环, 系统计算的结果没有单里程计计算的结果准确. 想咨询下, 您有没有做过类似的测试,是否也有如此的情况. 我现在怀疑有几个原因, 一是,一路上深度相机的有效部分比较少,因为这一圈是一个走廊,两边很多玻璃,好几处地方的高度有几cm的差别. 二是, rgbd相机与odom的外参标定不够准确. 谢谢,麻烦您了

Hello: When I run the example, I had the error "ValueError: Could not interpret optimizer identifier: ". It is may be the different between keras and tf.keras. But when I...

why the pitch and roll is ignored?? thank you!
