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Learning to Track: Online Multi-Object Tracking by Decision Making
When I ran MOT_test.m, there was only one tracking trajectory was visualised. But the paper shows there should be multiple tracking trajectories. How to show them all in the image?...
when running MOT_cross_validation.m, I had one problem. This error is: Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in CLEAR_MOT_HUN (line 45) [~, ~, ic] = unique(gtMat(:,2)); Error in evaluateTracking (line 147) [mets,...
when running MOT_cross_validation.m, I had one problem. This error is: Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in CLEAR_MOT_HUN (line 45) [~, ~, ic] = unique(gtMat(:,2)); Error in evaluateTracking (line 147) [mets,...
When I running on my own dataset(1000~2000 images, MOT format), the function read_dres_image will use all memory(8G + 2G swap memory), and then my system Linux will make MATLAB crush....
When I run test.m, there is no visual interface.
I have run `compile` successfully without any warnings about the gcc version. When running `MOT_test` i receive the following error: ``` .Invalid MEX-file '//MDP_Tracking/lk.mexa64': Missing symbol '_ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12find_last_ofEPKcmm' required by '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/>//MDP_Tracking/lk.mexa64'...
I just can't find the KITTI_test.m and KITTI_cross_validation.m?Who can tell me, thank you
Hello, I downloaded your code and am trying to use it. I was having issues with the imResize function and increased my maximum array size; however, I am now running...
Hi, How can I train MDP on my own data and then visualize the test results? Also, from where can I see the processing speed of Frames per second? As...