Results 7 comments of Yonghao Yu

Hi @zang09, Have you made some progress. I also have the same issue. Would you mind giving some instruction on it? Thanks a lot.

Hi @zang09 , Thanks for your kindly reply. But the ```pose_estimator -> correct()``` function only has one argument. In pose_estimator.hpp: ```C++ /** * @brief correct * @param cloud input cloud...

@koide3 @zang09 Thank you guys so much. I try the ```pub_status``` branch and it works well. By the way, how much percentage of inlier would be considered as a successful...

Hi all, The global localization sounds quite an interesting and promising function. I'll keep tuned and hope to see the realization of this in hdl_localization !

Hi @koide3, I also have tried to build teaser++ but failed. The error is different with @narutojxl I set ```ENABLE_TEASER=ON``` and then ```catkin_make```. The error is: ``` In file included...

Hi @koide3, Thanks for your reply. I build teaser with ```cmake .. -DBUILD_TEASER_FPFH=ON```. It would have the same problem. I'm using Ubuntu18.04 and PCL version is 1.8.