fisher man

Results 35 comments of fisher man

目前yolov6s(其中的尺寸512,激活函数全部relu)训练到160epoth时候训练时间下降到20分钟左右,确实会比同尺寸yolov5s训练时间长一些。 Epoch iou_loss l1_loss obj_loss cls_loss 151/399 0.7007 0.3427 0.3506 0.3874: 100%|██████████| 69/69 [18:14

the file data/face/test_real and test_sync is nothing

i find the reason : cv2.imwrite(str(test_real_dir)+'/{:05}.png'.format(img_idx),img) cv2.imwrite(str(test_img)+'/{:05}.png'.format(img_idx),img) cv2.imwrite(str(test_label)+'/{:05}.png'.format(img_idx),label)

who have complite it .thanks "Could not find a format to read the specified file in %s mode" % modename ValueError: Could not find a format to read the specified...

也有可能是camera 的端口被占了,此时的capture()中的数字需要往后调整1,2,3,都可以试试。


sorry i download it error with vpn


./ line 1: !/usr/bin/env: No such file or directory modeldir: /home/bova/Downloads/NormalGAN/model/pretrained savedir: /home/bova/Downloads/NormalGAN/results/testdata ./ line 14: unbuffer: command not found