
Results 8 issues of Yutamago

![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12561505/36924388-ae3deb16-1e6e-11e8-9f4e-397b280a95f1.png) The checkbox is disabled and cannot be checked. Git version: 2.16.1.windows.2 Git LFS version: 2.3.4 Unreal version: 4.18.3


Even with issue #68 I can still edit the "Username to lock files..." by pressing Tab once from the Git Path text input field. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12561505/36934538-b262eec6-1eeb-11e8-8557-48c14abc7a27.png) which leads to duplicate menu...


At least one button has no defined type, which results in the surrounding form being submitted when you click the button. A button should always include `type="button"` unless its supposed...


Hey, since the 1.4.0 update, Taiga repeatedly freezes for around 5s and then is usable for 1-2s. Latest log entry is: `2022-11-02 21:41:06 [Warning] settings.cpp:35 taiga::Settings::HandleCompatibility | Upgraded from v1.3.1...

## :ghost: Brief Description I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but the mixin `mat-css-set-palette-defaults` as described in the readme is not generating any code: Input: ```scss /** MATERIAL CSS...

### Documentation Feedback The documentation implies that [tabPanel] can be left unprovided by saying "If not provided, then the nav bar follows the ARIA link / navigation landmark pattern". However,...

area: material/tabs
area: material.angular.io

I have the following problem: Everything plays flawlessly with this extension, except for 60 fps content. Even with 4K I have no issues. But as soon as I play a...

WIP: needs testing - Added functionality to edit or replace an existing message. - Added 2 new optional input paramters: - **updateMessageMode** Specifies if and how you want to update...