Yusuf Ozturk

Results 69 comments of Yusuf Ozturk

@simonbrunel I understand the pain here, but if we are going to implement a realtime chart with ChartJs, we must show latest tick. Otherwise end user might think, realtime chart...

@benmccann This is one of our real time chart. I think, we do the same way, removing last label and adding a new date label as string. So if customer...

@simonbrunel Thanks for pointing out the commit. I changed that "skipping" line and now I see the latest point. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/928600/54847803-b1728080-4cdf-11e9-9ecd-9f51c834354a.png) I believe there will be an option to enable this...

Hi @simonbrunel, do you have any quick workaround for the latest version to show last label? Apparently autoSkip code is changed and I can't make it work anymore. Thanks!

Thanks for the progress on this. So shared memory is not implemented yet, right? I read there was some good progress for that. (2 years ago) But it's kind of...

@si458 Yes I did. I will share it here. What I did, solved the memory corruption but memory leak is still happening. I fixed that by using WMI query to...

@si458 sorry for the delay. here is the code. [session_windows.txt](https://github.com/iamacarpet/go-win64api/files/6602195/session_windows.txt)

Aah sorry, wait, it was the wrong branch :) I'm sending the latest code, just made for our needs. We fill the state already so we can use it somewhere...

@si458 for wmi, we use a custom package of stackexchange/wmi. I believe this function makes the memory leak: ``` func (us *LSA_UNICODE_STRING) String() string { return syscall.UTF16ToString((*[4096]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(us.Buffer))[:us.Length]) //nolint:unsafeptr goland:noinspection GoVetUnsafePointer...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/928600/177777026-a52ac43c-3abe-4a76-9186-2b46c19dc08f.png) This is still happening for us, for PowerShell 7.2.3 on Ubuntu 20.04. Are we really having this issue due to telemetry or diagnostic reasons? If it's really a telemetry...