前面部署里启动mysql,使用的pvc,后面打patch,确使用了emptyDir。导致其他服务在mysql中初始化的database都没有,建议修改成一致 [root@xxxx patch]# cat mysql-persistent-storage.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: mysql application-crd-id: kubeflow-pipelines name: mysql namespace: kubeflow spec: selector: matchLabels: app: mysql application-crd-id: kubeflow-pipelines strategy: type: Recreate template:...
e.g: run cobra-cli add get, it will generate cmd/get.go run cobra-cli add config, it will generate cmd/config.go run cobra-cli add get -p 'configCmd', it will also generate cmd/get.go the thrid...
### Bug report: [root@host ~]# dfget http:/xxxxxxxxa.com.cn:80/sample-minio/2023-08-07/07/00-55 -O test --list --2023-08-07 15:38:34-- http:/xxxxxxxxa.com.cn:80/sample-minio/2023-08-07/07/00-55 dfget version: v2.0.8 current user: root, default peer ip: x.x.x.x output path: /root/test init success and start...