Yuri Weinstein
Yuri Weinstein
@OttoAllmendinger great ! I think delete and history would have to be somehow related at the end. Personally I don't see high value of #15 , but can't set priority...
@OttoAllmendinger no pressure :) any hope to have to it in next releases ?
The idea of "Element Play Ground" is great!
I can download a single file but not a dir. Is it supported?
how do you have your DNS set up ? how many nameservers ? I recently solved similar issues using these steps: `sudo apt install openresolv` Create a script `sudo vi...
@Jorman add "check for DNS leaks" to your list :)
@ezar You will need to do "port forwarding" on your router.
Oh that’s what you mean! After connecting to VPN your external IP changed, I have not done it myself but suspect if you can use DDNS and update it after...
@jotyGill That's cool got it. Would it make any difference if my local ubutnu ufw is inactive ? (sudo ufw status Status: inactive)
@jotyGill it feels like simplified version of this functionality would be welcomed by novice users, something like a new argument `-kill-switch yes` and then more advance option with ports etc....