Is there any proper default method to set textColor of an element?
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41695645/framework-did-not-have-a-cfbundleidentifier-in-its-info-plist-using-swift-and-co how to avoid this?
I can't send any pull request. Update in order to support new API. My updated file: ``` #import "UIView+Appearance_Swift.h" #define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending) @implementation UIView...
I have an image file inside the application. For example, image.png. `APNS.newPayload().launchImage("image.png").badge(1).alertBody("Can't be simpler than this!").build(); ` But the notification is shown as usual application image - not "image.png". Why?...
To prevent 'fatalError' , add `self.foregroundViewTop = top` after ``` // add identifier let top = (foregroundView
Change in Readme.md file ngx-tcp-lua-module to nginx-tcp-lua-module. Error confuses while compilation if copy-paste "rules" example.