@tejal29 Thanks for the review. As I wrote earlier, there is a problem with the inability to build a docker image through kaniko when using a private docker proxy. Skaffold...
@tejal29 sorry, it seems that I missed notification about your answer ( >Can you instead make a change to add the pullSecretName to Kaniko Pod spec created Ok, I'll try...
I found out that a space in the flag leads to an error. With the following I got no errors and all works as expected ``` flags: upgrade: - '--history-max=3'...
What is content of your ingress? I mean ingress in k8s.
Сделали проверку, что это за ошибка, путем модификации скрипта insert_ch.sh Получили следующий вывод в консоль: ``` 2017-11-08 07:12:42 +0000 [warn]: suppressed same stacktrace Code: 117. DB::Exception: Unknown field found while...
Решили проблему путем добавления фильтра в fluentd: ``` @type record_modifier whitelist_keys timestamp, nsec, source, namespace, host, pod_name, container_name, stream, labels.names, labels.values, string_fields.names, string_fields.values, number_fields.names, number_fields.values, boolean_fields.names, boolean_fields.values, null_fields.names ```
@usernamedt thanks for your reply. Here the listing of bucket: ``` wal_005/000000010000013300000090.br | 9 Jun 2021 11:32:14 | 7.18 MB | application/octet-stream | wal_005/000000010000013300000091.br | 9 Jun 2021 11:33:57 |...
Yes, this env variable appears in logs. I've made some review on logs and delete sensitive info (logins, passwords, etc.) Perhaps, WALG_SWIFT_PREFIX was one, that I've deleted. ``` DEBUG: 2021/07/12...
Here are my apiserver logs: `[restful] 2017/04/23 12:59:36 log.go:30: [restful/swagger] listing is available at [restful] 2017/04/23 12:59:36 log.go:30: [restful/swagger] is mapped to folder /swagger-ui/ E0423 12:59:36.825682 1 reflector.go:201]...