@wangkangnian 谢谢你,我现在不在实验室。一会发出来
> Hi, it seems normal for the earlier steps in training. Thanks for your reply. The model have been trained for 63 epochs,but still can't generate high-quality face.Some of the...
They all use the FFHQ dataset. I just run your code without modifying any hyperparameters.
hi bryandlee, Could you provide the training results of middle steps,thanks!
@moono If it is convenient, could you offer your pretrain model which res is 256. It's hard for me to train from scratch.thanks
@moono ok,thanks for your reply.
@lhCheung1991 I met the same problem with you, the loss float arount 5.2. Do you know what cause the problem, and how can solve this problem. Thank you very much!