
Results 10 issues of yunxiaozimeng

@Tianxiaomo I use to create my train.txt .but when I train my dataset ,I met this problem, who can help me ? RuntimeError: Assertion `x >= 0. && x

When I finish my train and want to inference images,I met an error that I can not solve .who can help me HERE IS ERROR CODES darknet: ./src/parser.c:312: parse_yolo: Assertion...

如题,训练的时候一直都报这个警告。loss一直未nan。请问各位大佬怎么解决? [epoch 3][iter 0/ 110] loss: nan, lr: 1.00e-10, rpn_cls: nan, rpn_box: nan, rcnn_cls: 2.2976, rcnn_box 0.0000 size:(240,240) WARNING:root:NaN or Inf found in input tensor. WARNING:root:NaN or Inf found in...

i just want to inference an image with code: python --dataset kitti --mode test --data_path E:/EXPO_BD/test2/60_Color.png --output_dir ./ --filename ./utils/filenames/obj.txt --task depth --checkpoint_path ./module/res/model-16000 --encoder resnet50 and then an...

这个问题到底怎么解决,看了issues里面的解答还是解决不了,哪位大佬可以提供一份步骤详细的解答,感激不尽 How can i solve this problem absolutely? it doesn't work when i use the way that is mentioned in issues to try to solve the problem ,which boss can...

when I train my own dataset ,I met a problem and the train process is ended,please help me (base) E:\pytorch-YOLOv4-master>python -l 0.001 -g 4 -pretrained ./yolov.pth -classes 2 -dir...

I CAN'T use KITTI datasets because my terrible download speed,so I want to create my own dataset but I don't know the format of dataset in this project, who can...


I follow the README file to train my dataset. but the total loss is still very large(>=350)at 1000 epochs and without ant decrease tread,HOW CAN I SOLVE THIS PROBLEM?

编译时报错,nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_61',显卡是笔记本rtx 2060 ,请问怎么解决? when i compile it ,an error occurred,“nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_61'”,my GPU is laptop edition RTX 2060 ,who can...